LoisiKA is a specialist of leasure electric vehicles
on circuits (road, ice, water, sand, ...)
Today, we have three activities:
with free assistance and maintenance over three years, of kits "ready
to use" composed of a set of electric vehicles with autonomus charge
system and operating software (exclusivity LoisiKA)
Design of
products to customer specifications: design, manufacture, installation,
start and set-up of vehicles, body, etc ...
Rent and
exploitation helps of mobile equipments: events, seasons (holiday resorts,
winter sports, etc ...)
LoisiKA offers
a surveillance of the batteries through a car type calculator.
This technology allow the vehicle to be used within the optimum range
of use of the batteries;
LoisiKA designed
a charging rail on which the vehicles can automatically connect, when
arriving at the pit, through a guiding system. That system allow an
immediate recharge with human action;
LoisiKa offers
an operating system I.E.E (Intelligence Electronique
Embarquée) which set-up the machines depending on the driving
abilities of the customer. Those actions are performed through remote
control instantanately. The set-up includes power of the engine,maximum
speed and acceleration slope.